I’d like to thank the academy


And by academy, I mean the blogging community.

I started this blog only a few short months ago and already I’ve received a lot of positive feedback. Much of it is from my loving family and friends, but also from complete strangers. Bloggers have stumbled upon my little ol’ blog and have liked what I’ve written and have made positive comments about my posts.

This weekend I received an unexpected surprise from a fellow blogger, Myra. We are new blogging friends and have started following each others blog recently. Her blog, The Happy Health Freak, focuses on her healthy journey of eating mostly gluten free and dairy free. She posted a recipe last week for Chicken Quinoa Cabbage Rolls that are now on my “must try” list.

Myra has nominated for me a few special blogging awards:





It feels really nice to know that people enjoy my blog as much as I enjoy sharing it with the world. I started this blog as a New Year’s resolution to start writing again for another creative outlet in addition to designing, cooking, and photography. I wanted to share my thoughts, recipes, photos, trials, errors, successes, and life with whoever wanted to read it.

In turn, I am now passing these awards onto other blogs that I enjoy:

Brooklyn Locavore – One Brooklynite’s adventure of eating, cooking, and living local.
Melissa is also my sister-in-law and is always an inspiration for my blogging. She is passionate about local Farmer’s market, her local community, wine from New York, and cooks great food!

Gluten Free Yummy
Laurie has been living gluten free for all her life. Her recipes vary from entrees, breakfast, and baked goods. They’re never too complicated and she takes great photos.

Budget Bytes
Beth is a “food lover and number cruncher.” She’s much like me in her beliefs that you can create amazing dishes that are low cost, without sacrificing quality. You don’t have to live on Ramen noodles and eat primarily canned goods to eat well and stay on budget. Beth also conveniently prices out her recipe by total cost and per serving cost.

Five and Spice – Fitting real food into real life.
Emily has a masters in Nutrition and is working on her PhD in policy. She doesn’t follow one specific diet, but cooks food that is good for your body and soul. She is a believer in the “Five” rule – to not buy food that has more than 5 ingredients on the food label. Five isn’t a definitive number, but emphasizes to buy food in its closest form to nature. Emily takes beautiful photos, writes exceptionally, and has many enticing recipes.

So there you have it. No recipe for today, just sharing the love.

Thank you to everyone who reads my blog. I hope that you always continue to enjoy and love it. I always appreciate feedback, comments, likes, and even welcome criticism. This journey has been a lot of fun so far. With each day and each post I will always strive to make this blog the best that it can be. I hope you stick around too.

Edited to add:

Since posting this, I’ve been informed from a fellow blogger that there is more to a “Liebster Award” than I knew about. It is supposed to be given to new bloggers with less than 200 followers. Once nominated, you’re supposed to write 11 facts about yourself, answer 11 questions that the nominator asks you, and nominate 11 more blogs for the awards. Oops. Somewhere along the lines these rules must have fallen through the cracks as it was passed on.

I’ve been given a heads up that another blogger will be nominating me once again for this reward, but she has to do her part first of writing her facts, answering her questions, and giving me questions to answer. So stay tuned for either another addition/edit to this post or a completely new one!

10 responses to “I’d like to thank the academy

  1. Thank you for the nomination! I, like you, blog for the love of sharing my recipes, photography, & thoughts on the page. So thankful to be a part of the gluten-free community. Feelin’ the love 🙂

  2. You have a great blog, congrats! THe best part of the award is seeing new blogs to follow and having new followers to my own… I just got the Liebster for the 3rd or 4th time, even though I have more than 200 followers. I’m actually responding to this most recent one.

  3. Pingback: Awards from the People that Count! « Brooklyn Locavore·

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